
French is perhaps the only language, after English, spoken on all five continents with some 600 million speakers as a native, first or second language. It has a dynamic presence in the European country as it is used in three extremely powerful countries , France, Switzerland and Belgium and has made a significant contribution to what we now call “European culture”. It is an official language in various communities and organisations, such as the European Union, the International Olympic Committee and the United Nations. It is an eloquent, refined and aristocratic language.



At this level, students learn to understand simple texts containing vocabulary related to everyday life. They also learn to write and understand short texts such as advertisements and instructions as well as to give and receive personal information.

At this level, students are prepared to respond to more complex topics. They learn to write and understand friendly letters as well as telephone and email messages. They also learn to describe events and personal experiences.



At level B1 - Intermediate - the learner is able to gather and evaluate useful information on complex topics and analyse the content of texts of general interest. They can also express in writing, in the form of an essay, article or email, a personal position. Can also understand audio texts related to everyday life.

At level B2, which is a level of proficiency in French, the learner is able to express opinions and feelings, talk about a variety of events and formulate passages in different ways.



At level C1, the very good level, the student is asked to respond to more complex and longer texts of a literary or journalistic nature. They are also able to compose several shorter texts and argue in the form of an essay. Can understand an audio questionnaire with social, political or informative content.

At this level the student has a thorough knowledge of the language. Able to express his/her opinion as a native speaker in written and spoken form.



See the detailed curriculum
of the Lingua Language School

School class French class CEFR level
F’ Primary School Cours I A1
Sixth Primary School Cours II A2
A’ High School Cours B1 B1
Secondary school Cours B1-B2 B1-B2
3rd grade Cours B2 B2

The recommended age for your child to start French is the 5th or 6th grade.

At this age they have already laid a solid foundation in English and their progress is not affected by the second foreign language. It also allows students to complete the B2 level exams before high school.

Our teaching method is structured appropriately to work perfectly within the above-mentioned concentrated programme. This results in low costs for parents, no time burden for students but at the same time the opportunity to complete the basic cycle of studies, i.e. level B2, in just 5 school years.

At all levels the programme includes 2 lessons per week, with a total of 2 to 3 teaching hours.

Children must be taught how to think
not what to think

Margaret Mead