
German is the language of culture, of Goethe, Nietzsche, Mozart, Beethoven, Freud and Einstein.
Germany is perhaps the most important and powerful country in Europe in the intellectual, cultural and economic fields. It is the language of science, as most scientists have studied in countries where German is spoken, and is the second most commonly used language in fields such as chemistry, physics and engineering. If you want to study at degree or postgraduate level in Germany and boost your career, German is an essential tool.

The recommended age for your child to start French is the 5th or 6th grade.

At this age they have already laid a solid foundation in English and their progress is not affected by the second foreign language. It also allows students to complete the B2 level exams before high school.

Our teaching method is structured appropriately to work perfectly within the above-mentioned concentrated programme. This results in low costs for parents, no time burden for students but at the same time the opportunity to complete the basic cycle of studies, i.e. the B2 level, in just 5 school years.

At all levels the programme includes 2 lessons per week, with a total of 2 to 3 teaching hours

School class German class CEFR level
F’ Primary School Basic level I A1
Sixth Primary School Basic level II A2
A’ High School Basic level B1 B1
Secondary school Mittelstufe B1-B2 B1-B2
3rd grade Mittelstufe B2 B2

Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the World

Nelson Mandela